SiteAudit Analyzer TCO is a solution that integrates end user device cost with SiteAudit inventory and volume data to provide a current and future state analysis. The solution provides SiteAudit partners with flexible cost models to calculate customer contract costs. These costs include hardware and supplies, supply yield, service and warranty costs as well as contracts using click per page (CPP) and fixed fee with CPP.
Total cost of ownership (TCO) analysis is typically employed in the audit phase of an MPS engagement. Users can report costs by department, location, device type and more or just use the TCO charts to show the current state versus future state analysis. Additionally the TCO charts link to SiteAudit’s audit presentation to reduce dealer audit preparation time while offering unparalleled fleet analysis.
• Audit & fleet analysis reporting solution
• SiteAudit Analyzer add on
• All Environments
Click to enlarge – Analyzer TCO Charts
Key Feature and Benefits
– Flexible TCO models to calculate current and future contract costs
– Select Keep, Remove, Replace or Move action to determine future fleet state
– Report filtering to drill down by department regarding current and future states
– Generate charts showing current and future state of inventory, volume and costs
– Link TCO charts with SiteAudit’s MS PowerPoint audit presentation
Product Availability
Partners with a SiteAudit Analyzer license can download the Analyzer TCO solution from the Netaphor support portal Partners without a license may order a license from

Buyers Lab Report
Click to view or right-click to download the BLI report:
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